
We provide tailored solutions for office-based professional occupations.

Office Insurance

Combining office Liability, matched Contents and Theft sums insured and other professional workplace covers, office insurance provides the best cover for your work space.

Cyber Crime

Fast becoming the biggest uninsured risk for any business, cyber crime policies can cover all your online work, from emails to your customer management systems. This is a cover that all businesses should have.

Professional Indemnity

Providing cover for advice given in the course of your business activities, Professional Indemnity can cover anything from incidental advice that tradesmen provide to professional advice offered by accountants and lawyers.

Management Liability

Covering your business activities is important, but Management Liability covers the directors and officers of the business for their managerial practices such as employment procedures and contractual liabilities.

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Making It Happen Pty Ltd ATF Cox Family Trust T/As MIH Insurance Brokers
ABN 44 265 850 652 | ACN 102 686 484 | CAR 240617

Corporate Authorised Representative of Community Broker Network Pty Ltd
ACN 096 916 184 | AFSL 233750